Heatsense Cables Limited Certified to EN9100:2018 Certification of Quality Management Systems in Aviation, Space and Defence Organisations Equivalent to AS 9100 Rev D
Heatsense Cables is now certified to EN9100:2018 equivalent to AS9100RevD:2016 and JISQ9100:2016 - Certification of Quality Management Systems in Aviation, Space and Defence Organisations.
This Certification adds to Heatsense’s current Certifications to support the Company’s continued expansion and development in its existing markets, notably, aerospace, nuclear, automotive, medical, R&D, oil & gas and general industry.
Heatsense Cables was established in 1984 and is regarded as the UK’s leading specialist high-performance thermocouple and signal cable manufacturer. Its manufacturing capabilities cover a broad range of specialist cables that operate in extreme environments. The company is a technology leader in fluoropolymer extrusion, high-performance taping and cable wrapping. Related processes include cover sintering, colouring, etching and the application of various specialist coatings. The range covers cables that are resistant to flame, oils and chemicals and which operate in ultra-high vacuum, cryogenic and high radiation environments. Markets include aerospace, nuclear, automotive, medical, R&D, Oil & Gas and general industry.
Heatsense is EN9100:2018, ISO9001:2015, ISO14001:2015 Accredited and has F4N Status.

EN9100:2018 equivalent to AS9100:2016 Rev D