Kapton Cables

Heatsense Highlight Cable

Heatsense manufactures a range of Kapton® cables. These specialised cables are designed with insulation made from Kapton®, a polyimide film. Polyimide is widely known for its exceptional thermal, electrical, and mechanical properties, making it ideal for extreme environments including ultra-high vacuum (UHV) and low/zero outgassing environments. Polyimide remains stable across a wide range of temperatures, from −269°C to +400°C (−452°F to 752°F; 4K to 673K).

These cables are highly resistant to ionizing radiation, resistant to most
chemicals, oils and solvents. They are able to withstands moisture, ultra-violet
exposure and mechanical wear. Polyimide is lightweight and allows for
the design of compact and flexible cables without sacrificing
performance. Kapton® cables offer high mechanical strength, tear resistance
and long-term reliability in extreme conditions.

Common applications include, aerospace, space, nuclear, military and defence,
medical imaging equipment and R&D facilities.

Click on the datasheet links below to see our full range or get in touch about a specific requirement you have.

Kapton Cables

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