Thank you for visiting us at Advanced Engineering Exhibition 3rd & 4th November 2021

Heatsense Cables Stand at The Advanced Engineering Exhibition 2021
Thank you for joing us at our stand at the Advanced Engineering Exhibition 2021 at the NEC Birmingham.
We were showcasing some of our latest innovations in advance manufactured Cables. Our team had a great chat with a lot of the attendees to learn how we can provide solutions for the most challenging environments.
On the stand we featured our Radiation Resistant Cables, Extended INTEMP™ Cables Range from -196°C to 1250°C, Sensor Wires & Cables and Cryogenic Wire & Cables.
If you would like arrange a follow up call with us or didn't manage to join us and would like to find out more about what we can do for your business, why not arrange a visit to our manufacturing facility in Rochdale, have a tour and meet the team.