Heatsense Broadens Supply of Specialist Cables to The Nuclear Fusion Sector
The specialist cables we have designed, manufactured and supplied are to used on a tokamak-type experimental device (Compass Upgrade), https://www.ipp.cas.cz/Compass_U/) for several diagnostic systems, electrostatic plasma probes, mounted on fast reciprocating manipulators and magnetic sensors/coils.
Nuclear Fusion
A tokamak is one of the ways (currently the most effective) of confining hot plasma in order to achieve energy-efficient thermonuclear fusion.
ITER is the most expensive scientific project on Earth, https://www.iter.org/). It is a toroidal vacuum chamber (Ultra-High Vacuum) surrounded by sets of strong magnetic coils (up to several Tesla), which keeps the plasma confined so that it does not touch the wall of the chamber.
Nuclear fusion is the process by which two light atomic nuclei combine to form a single heavier one while releasing massive amounts of energy.
A significant amount of research is being undertaken globally in the search to replicate the power source that fuels the sun.
According to Reuters, companies have raised around US$5 billion in private funding alone in the quest to replicate the power source that fuels the sun.
https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/10/nuclear-fusion-science-explained/; https://www.iaea.org/newscenter/news/what-is-nuclear-fusion